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Everything posted by Cazdon

  1. Six seems like a healthy place to stop. Why don't you ask him why he's so afraid of 7?
  2. SkreeERP Birds are bad. Into deepfryer with 'em!
  3. Ahh! That was a fun moment. Watching the two identical Vox gliding back and forth like a pendulum, I was mesmerized. So I kept pushing and pushing until the law finally caught up with me.
  4. The toddler was the sacrifice! You can see it on the AI Holopad Summoning Rune!
  5. This might have been posted awhile ago by @E.I.G.H.T. but with all the base flexing, I had to show the best type of base. Suspicious yet fake cult bases, including an AI holopad for 'summoning the dark god.' I'm pretty sure Cory in the picture was a traitor, and had stashed stolen goods in the back room, but that's none of my business.
  6. Mime Vox is good Vox becase they don't skree they have great masks!
  7. It's definitely a giant bug come to eat you! Shine the flashlight in its eyes to try to drive it away!
  8. Gosh I really love folklore and legends, they really help make a universe feel alive. This is really cool! I'm sure there's lots of unsolved space mysteries too! I'll do a parallel one. Legends speak of a Ghost Ship on the fringes of human controlled space. A ship and crew of the dead, and these ghostly figures are said to capture the crew of ships they encounter, and add them to their own. The legend soared in popularity when a ship returning from the fringe sectors was found derelict and abandoned. The crew was completely gone, but all of the supplies and cargo remained, and no entry in the ships logs betrayed any hint as to what happened to them. With no conclusive evidence as to the fate of this crew, legends of the Ghost Ship started to fill the void of facts and evidence, and the legend still serves to scare off superstitious Captains from charting course through fringe space.
  9. It's so dark! Look for something to light the way.
  10. This is so great and fun! >Use the radio to order a bluespace pizza delivery.
  11. >After picking up/investigating the various items, try the ID on the airlockm
  12. Welcome to the forums! I hope the Diona Nymph of wisdom brings many good wisdoms.
  13. >Scratch your chin in thought. >Release your finger just went through your breath mask. >Release you don't have a breath mask. >Panic.
  14. Whoa, is that Proto-prophet bot? Big fan!
  15. I want a present box top as a hat now.
  16. About time I finally joined in on this, what number are we at? Wait...
  17. Robot Santa yelling Merry Christmas as he's stuffed down disposals.
  18. Every so often, you'll have one of those fun situations where you can evacuate with a bunch of folks off station during an emergency. Having already setup the White Ship, it was nice to be able to take folks on it. We had our own little crew! Only one missing from the screen-cap is Nymphy, just behind the mech!
  19. That's a LOT of flaming corpses. Guess the disco-ball was playing fire.
  20. Cazdon


    Wow these are great.
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