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  1. Name of Event: Retake the Station! One Sentence Description: Terror Spiders have completely taken the station and its your job to take it back Marine! Map Changes: no Code Changes: no Suggested Number of Players: The more the merrier! at least 3-5 admins to deal with shittery and rulebreaking Full Description of Event: I gave a bare bones idea to @Kyeta few months back after a round where Terrors ABSOLUTELY STOMPED everyone and thought of this game mode. I wont lie, this is pretty much like Paradise version of Colonial Marines, but takes a bit of prep. First off, all players must observe or get ghosted. Then admins must spawn in a Queen and an assortment of spiders to aid her in keeping her territory. They can also spawn in a few more monkeys around to act as egg fodder for any greens. The spiders should have at least 10-30 minutes to set up and web/eat any mobs in the station to help build numbers. Spiders are not allowed to camp arrivals or web it up too greatly as this is where the ERT/Marines come from. They are not allowed to touch the ERT shuttle. Spiders are NOT allowed to plasma flood. N20 is discouraged, but not destructive enough to be outright denied. any spiders caught plasma flooding should be ghosted and their bodies given up to another ghost. Welding tanks and water tanks are fine, but welding tanks should be discouraged. Secondly, and this is optional, there can be Survivors who can try and survive until the ERT can save them. If they can make it to CC by way of ERT shuttle, they can be respawned in as ERT/Marnie reinforcement for the current wave. I know this is just like CM a bit, but they know how to make a good game mode. Survivors will NOT be allowed to just wait at arrivals as they will have no idea that ERT/Marines are on their way. This is to give the spiders a chance to actually get to them. They are allowed to break into anywhere to get weapons/gear to help them survive. Survivors are to be spawned in before spiders to give them a bit of a head start so the spiders aren't waiting for them. Thirdly, The waves of ERT should start 20-30 minutes after the spiders so that Spiders have a chance to set up a nest. they should start as RED ALERT ERT of maybe 5 or so as an advanced scouting party, then ramp up their deployment steadily as they go. The ERT should be mostly security ERT with a medic or two thrown in. or an engineer to help rebuild machines to aid them in their fight. Arrivals will be their FoB, allowing them to have a base to defend for reinforcements and to extract any survivors if there are any. After the 1:30:0 mark, ERT should be upgraded to either GAMMA ERT or SolGov Marines as a final push against the spiders. Obviously, their main goal being to wipe out the spiders, they are to try and secure the nuke disk and the nuke. Only when the admins decide the marines have held the nuke for long enough, they can give out the codes to a commander to nuke the station if they cannot recover it. It would behoove the spiders to hide the nuke or disk in their nest to prevent this. Fourthly, This is a game mode that i feel has a winner. ERT/Marines win if they kill all the spiders. Spiders would win if they manage to defend the Queen for the full 2 hours. if the round is still getting good at the 2 hour mark, then players can extend it if they are having fun. there are minor victory conditions where if the ERT nukes the station, killing all the spiders and losing a valuable station. Minor spider victory would be if they lose the queen, but manage to survive to the end of the round. If the spiders manage to win, they should get on the Escape Shuttle to go forth and spread their domain, but only if the Queen or a Princess is alive to tell them to. I want to close this to say that technically this can be rebranded to xenos if they ever get fixed, but that would require code changes. I also want to say that i very much appreciate all the admins for being cool as fuck, yet strict enough to call me out on my bullshit when i do something wrong. Stay cool, Paradise!
  2. So i finally broke down and decided to try out Space Station 13. Hope we can get along. Probably going to try and become a miner cause of how zen it always looked.
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