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Everything posted by Spacemanspark

  1. God no, please do not.
  2. Bruh, why are you like this
  3. I thought mech code itself was also bad tho
  4. I'm fairly sure they're actually subtypes of mechas in code, so you're dead on there. One thing you CAN presently do is make custom keyboard macros using the macro system. This is the ONLY thing I have ever felt comfortable binding to a macro that's not an emote of some sort. I do agree though, pods could use an overhaul.
  5. What the hell kind of sane person plays this game
  7. The oil tanks should actually be outright removed from the map, as they serve no mechanical purpose now. IPCs don't need them.
  8. I played for a bit on other servers with this sprite set. For me it's not really a matter of adjustment; I'm just not a fan of them to begin with. I don't really see why we have to change our sprites, they really looked fine as is.
  9. You based that IPC off the Walten Files, didn't you.
  10. I have a bit of a problem with this. I will say that it does look really nice and has quite a bit of merit. But, I do kind of worry about something. Namely: why is this a question? This should be a statement. :^)
  11. Flux bow about to go brrrrr
  12. Mallet? Fuck that, here's a shotgun.
  13. Haha mochichat go brrrrrrrrr
  14. I can't decide if I like this idea or not. I do definitely see it being abused to be a total ass, but I also can't deny it's kind of funny. Perhaps the *spin emote could be used to remove it. I know this is a somewhat different topic... but making borgs crew isn't particularly sensible, nor does it change anything. As well, if someone wants to pin a medal on a borg... I mean, yeah, it's weird, but it's not exactly breaking the Geneva convention, space/ time/ physics or even really SoP. There aren't any morale issues to it, either.
  15. what would you sensibly put into a snow-based chemical reaction that would prevent players from spamming the hell out of it with ease?
  16. If having to use copious amounts of materials to make brass rooms doesn't stop me, I'm very sure it won't stop or limit players from coating massive spaces with snow.
  17. The issue with xenomorphs is that is basically takes everything bad about the instant stun system and puts it into one mob. When I first began playing SS13, I used to love xenomorphs, but the changes they received over time were... ridiculous, to say the least. Hunters alone are capable of stunning nearly everything in the damn game, at both close and long ranged distances. While I am in favor of difficult game mechanics by all means, I think it's a bit much--yet, it's become a requirement for xenos in order to get anywhere, for the most part. Terrors are much better, in this regard. They're powerful, easily capable of taking a few hits and decimating people--but they're slow and rely on traps such as webs, or guerilla strategies for their victims until they have sufficient numbers. They're a lot more interesting to fight or deal with as a result.
  18. I agree with this, but I think it would be best to potentially start small in regards to changes like this; it'll be a fairly large cultural shift.
  19. I used to do this all the time. Perhaps we should get a bunch of nerds one round for a big custom room...
  20. I'm going to move you to E5 and break you in half like a Harry Potter chess game.
  21. I want to play checkers with people
  22. We did this before and it was reverted by yours truly because it was jarring. I use door bolt lights far more than I do timers. Most things that people want timers on them can be modified at the start of the round and left alone for the entire shift. Lights, however, have many, many uses; primarily in being sneaky. Perhaps, however, we could have a thing for, say... shift + middle click?
  23. Bit unsure as to how I feel about this--although, it does make me think I should add a section to my suggestion thread for SoP, about MMIs/ positronics being slotted into mechas. I can definitely see the reasoning behind this suggestion, that being a person put into a Ripley would likely want mining comms. However, when it comes to things like MMIs in durands or gygaxes... ehhh.
  24. Aurora (maybe baycode in general?) has this feature. Dunno if any other codebase does, or if it's worth just coding in our own version of this. IIRC the Aurora version requires you to have someone in an aggressive grab first.
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