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Everything posted by Charliminator

  1. My major issues with cult, as it stands, is that they aren't considered kos fast enough. I don't care about being permakilled. Shit happens. But my god lets me kill the cultists atleast. It takes 30% of the crew to be converted on low pop or something for cult to get halos. This is huge, and then you consider the fact that it's not counting crew, it's counting all players. This includes ash walkers, ghosts, admins dicking around on the admin room. Also the instant ranged stun spear. That issue speaks for itself though. All cultists with visible gear, flag robes, shielded suits, etc. Should be considered armed and dangerous under space law. This isn't even a balance concern at this point. Often cult isn't fun to fight, you are forced to ferry tiders from maints into processing, then sit and wait 150 seconds for them to either unbuckle and teleport away or get deconverted at the end. But sinking autorifle rounds into a cultist with flag robes is very cathartic, much needed sanity for security on a cult round. But yeah I'm gonna stick to ordering mindshields and autorifles as soon as cult is called out and mindshield any deconverts. I am tired of people getting deconverted and walking into maints again. Thank you for coming to my ted talk
  2. I am gonna be honest. I don't see how this could be abused that hard. the HOP already starts with sec comms so its not like the HOP would abuse this if they were an antag. I suppose if the HOP is giving out sec comms to other people? but then, they are just instantly gonna get found out cos ooh antags have sec comms! HOPs vendor for sec comms is empty! wonder what happened there!!!! I imagine that this isn't because headsets ran out, instead that they don't know where to find them.
  3. Could be interesting if used sparingly Not sure how you are gonna pull these off. Using sdql to delete all of disposals will not make the server happy.
  4. Don't necro a thread to add nothing to it
  5. *cracks knuckles* here we go preference tier list by the GODDER GAMER (relative to rurik) Chazzer: S tier - HOS (roundstart teleshield), CE (get to order supermatter crates and nobody can say no), atmos tech (just based), shaft miner (with KC, anything else is unbased) A tier - Security officer (no roundstart teleshield) B tier - warden (cool gloves but not many opportunities to frag antags with them), station engineer (like atmos tech but less based), blueshield (cool revolver, big drip) C tier - Captain, HOP. D tier - assistant (bridge hoboing ), magistrate. E tier - Paramedic, Janitor, Mime, NT Rep, Medical Doctor, Coroner, QM, Cargo Technician, RD, CMO, Chemist, Explorer, Chaplain, Librarian, Chef, Bartender, Barber, Ghost Roles (except ash walkers they are A tier). F tier - botany (powergamers), shaft miners with KA (powergamers), scientists (powergamers), RD (powergamer), AI, borgs and robotics (I just hate silicons), genetics (powergamers), detective (they keep lethalling the antags I want to lethal), clown (cos rurik likes it), virologist (its fucking boring), IAA (they tell me off for lethalling antags) Brig phys tier - Brig phys
  6. You can, and we do. This is genuinely a consideration for every single change, is this sustainable? Can it be maintained? Cos we have a group of people who have to do that, they aren't called maints for nothing. Of course it isn't. Because you don't contribute to the git. You aren't the one doing the maintaining.
  7. Coders dont stay around forever. That's the issue with this. Eventually the work will be someone else's
  8. If I'm remembering correctly, the code for eating soap is rather snowflake. Also the difference for be between nian and drasks here is that drasks are their own unique thing with law behind why they like soap Nian arent, and shouldn't be, just moths but bigger and with hands. I haven't been playing recently but i hope people haven't been calling them moths in character, because they aren't moths. They are a species based on moths.
  9. What's the point in time gating any role by the same logic You can't get HOS experience without paying HOS so let everyone play HOS. Experience is transferable. What's the point in karma gating it?
  10. IMO karma is an awful system that literally requires its own rules to prevent exploitation. anything that moves us further away from this system is a good idea. I do think time locking it to security would be 100% fine. HOS level playtime in security would fit it fairly well.
  11. looking back at it, people actually used to put effort into posts in this thread. now its just sad, and basically spam
  12. I definitely feel like this event suffered from the massive pop. I understand why people were pinged about it and it was at high pop, everyone wanted to be included, but I feel like 120 people is just too many for this type of thing and that put me off massively. in future, not doing it at such massive pops or even making use of the second server, to have two instances running at once, could be interesting. this way we could have 2 stations and we could compare them at the end. 60 players seems a lot more reasonable. I also think that the number of space suits/RCDs/atmos holofans was really lacking. atmos holofans specifically, atmos was killing the server at one point and people being able to stop atmos moving temporarily would really help with the CPU
  13. 1. HOS/security officer 2-5. {"type":"/mob/living/carbon/human","icon":null,"name":"Bubblegum","limbs":{"chest":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/chest","dir":4,"icon":""},"groin":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/groin","dir":4,"icon":""},"head":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/head","dir":4,"icon":""},"l_arm":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/arm","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_arm":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/arm/right","dir":4,"icon":""},"l_leg":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/leg","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_leg":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/leg/right","dir":4,"icon":""},"l_hand":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/hand","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_hand":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/hand/right","dir":4,"icon":""},"l_foot":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/foot","dir":4,"icon":""},"r_foot":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/external/foot/right","dir":4,"icon":""}},"iorgans":{"slime core":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/brain/slime"},"slime heart":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/heart/slime"},"slime lungs":{"type":"/obj/item/organ/internal/lungs/slime"}},"equip":[{"type":"/obj/item/storage/backpack/satchel","content":[{"type":"/obj/item/storage/box/survival","content":[{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/mask/breath"},{"type":"/obj/item/tank/internals/emergency_oxygen"},{"type":"/obj/item/reagent_containers/hypospray/autoinjector"},{"type":"/obj/item/flashlight/flare/glowstick/emergency","color":"#6496fa"}],"slots":7,"max_w_class":2,"max_c_w_class":14},{"type":"/obj/item/restraints/handcuffs"},{"type":"/obj/item/melee/classic_baton/telescopic","icon_state":"telebaton_0"},{"type":"/obj/item/shield/riot/tele"},{"type":"/obj/item/grenade/flashbang"},{"type":"/obj/item/gun/energy/gun"}],"slots":21,"max_w_class":3,"max_c_w_class":21},null,null,null,null,{"type":"/obj/item/storage/belt/security/full","content":[{"type":"/obj/item/reagent_containers/spray/pepper"},{"type":"/obj/item/restraints/handcuffs"},{"type":"/obj/item/grenade/flashbang"},{"type":"/obj/item/flash"},{"type":"/obj/item/melee/baton/loaded"}],"slots":5,"max_w_class":3,"max_c_w_class":14},{"type":"/obj/item/card/id/hos","name":"Bubblegum's ID Card (Head of Security)","sex":"Male","age":30,"btype":"O+","dna_hash":"501b91a29c269a39bc0c93831038a35f","fprint_hash":"b1decba971851473acb4ba5f147c7d4a","access":[1,63,2,3,42,4,6,12,21,47,10,48,5,32,50,19,58,59,60,62,99],"job":"Head of Security","account":196753,"owner":"Bubblegum","mining":0},{"type":"/obj/item/radio/headset/heads/hos/alt"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/glasses/hud/security/sunglasses"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/black/hos"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/head/HoS/beret"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/shoes/jackboots"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/suit/jacket/secbomber"},{"type":"/obj/item/clothing/under/rank/head_of_security/corp"},{"type":"/obj/item/door_remote/head_of_security"},{"type":"/obj/item/restraints/legcuffs/bola/energy"},{"type":"/obj/item/gun/energy/gun/hos"},null,null,null,{"type":"/obj/item/pda/heads/hos","name":"PDA-Bubblegum (Head of Security)"},null,null],"dna":{"UE":"501b91a29c269a39bc0c93831038a35f","SE":[235,977,641,393,518,426,339,31,497,505,974,747,22,91,938,42,754,314,512,496,513,760,949,525,488,492,1000,786,60,1003,647,367,900,955,95,632,801,396,294,910,15,850,929,798,755,411,728,633,547,536,626,734,1009,764,351],"UI":[16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,651,4094,658,1750,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,3169,979,2504,1590,68,1965,60,2832,2832,2832],"species":"/datum/species/slime","blood_type":"O+","real_name":"Bubblegum"},"age":30,"ushirt":"Nude","socks":"Normal Black","uwear":"Mens Striped"} good luck!
  14. Imo revival should be harder not easier.
  15. Bubblegum is the BEST assassin. He got the most kills sooooo
  16. Grey's have a hive mind, they are seperate entities Not much changeling lore actually exists. A better suggestion would be to straight up tell you, assassinate ms. Theta the changeling. And then give you an option to get an ability which is like a pinpointer for changelings. And that would make the objective much more interesting.
  17. I do want to give a big thanks to affected for making this though. very well made a put together, I appreciate this community and everyone in it. Happy new year paradise, heres to a good 2022.
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