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Everything posted by WingedYordle

  1. Then maybe we should see what would happen with cloning removed for a week, take a vote.
  2. I didn't mean to say medbay was bad, they truly aren't. I just wanted to give them something to do. All they do is scan, throw in cryo, throw in cloning and throw them out.
  3. I play as Wolf, each round is a new round. If Wolf is NT rep, he only knows NT rep. There is no meta knowledge, if there is, bare minimal. As captain, I don't accept medical help from my CE.
  4. I've done my share of medical to feel that cloning is over used and depended on. Cloning doesn't have be completely removed either, as I said, is science research for the cloning circuit boards, engineering could build a cloning. Paradise has a low population of slimes and vox anyway, it is conisisted more on vulps, humans, and tajarans. I feel like removing cloning and adding another operating room would add too the roleplay and allow more medical doctors to learn how to revive and not depend on cloning. Brain transplant, SR the patient after repairing the body. Power game as they will, if it makes it so they avoid dying, then solution is mine as that is what I am trying to get rid of.
  5. Hello. Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion! As the title states, I would like to remove cloning from medical. Reason why to removing cloning is because players now are way to dependent on it and ruining the very little roleplay we have by not taking being alive more seriously. Players (grey tides, security, and civillians) just act without the consequences of their actions, knowing full well that if they die, someone will just drag their corpse to medbay and clone them back to life. I feel like if we removed cloning, roleplay would increase, medical doctors will have more of a role on this station instead of just fixing broken ribs, chemists would be more depended on instead of making space drugs and meth all of the time. If not, maybe have it as a research thing, were they need to research whatever category it belongs too and unlock the cloning circuits and have engineering build the cloning room. TLDR: Cloning ruining role-play as players do not care about their life as cloning will bring them back to life instantly. Sorry if this was poorly written. I am here to answer any questions if I left out anything..
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